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Does Sleep Training Work For All Babies?

I get asked this one a lot. I mean, who wants to start a process if there is a good chance it won't work on your little one? So here's my honest answer:

Nope! But I would estimate that when done properly sleep training does work for around 98% of them. That's a pretty high percentage, and I’m quite confidant in it.

Child sleeping soundly
Child sleeping soundly

That 2% - could my child be one of those?

The only time that I’ve seen sleep training not work (outside of the strategy not being followed through) is when there is a medical reason. There is a list of things that can be looked into when sleep training isn’t effective such as, low iron, enlarged adenoids, mouth breathing and low magnesium.

Even children with behavioral elements such as autism and ADHD take really well to sleep training as it creates routine, consistency and reliability.

But yeah, better sleep through training is almost ALWAYS possible

But the short story is that with patience, time and enabling me to help as much as possible almost all children can be sleep trained when the situation is right and they are properly enabled to learn the skill!

Want to learn more? Reach out, or book an assessment call with me so we can chat about what amazing sleep can look like for your family!

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